Wednesday, February 3, 2010


My job is in its "busy season" right now as I try to balance recruiting students for next year with keeping the ones we have this year still encouraged and coming to school. I have had the unique opportunity to have some one-on-one conversation with a couple of young men who are simply lost right now, trying to navigate this last year of high school. In our world today, sometimes I wonder who is raising whom? parents raising kids or kids raising parents? For sure, I am thankful to be where I am and know that God has provided a ministry for me. If you are looking for someone to pray for, take my list straight from the real lives of my students.
  • One of my students who lives in a homeless shelter with a parent
  • One of my students who is homeless and has no parents
  • One of my students who is pregnant and has been kicked out of her house by her parents
  • One of my students who needs medication but doesn't have the funds to purchase it anymore
  • One of my students who I just found out lives in her car
  • One of my students who needs to see a doctor but has no insurance

And the list could go on and on. These are every day, normal teenagers...not a special population of an "at risk" school. Just every day kids living their lives every day.

I am thankful to work in a school that gives kids a chance to get a head start on a career while still in high school. I thank God for the courage of these kids and pray that those adults who cross their paths will recognize their potential and be a beacon of hope that shows them they can be whatever they choose to be.

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