Thursday, December 18, 2008

I'm Pooped!

Well, it's Thursday night and I have been back to full-time work after 1 1/2 years off. Can you say "POOPED"? It has been three good days (Tuesday was my first day back) and I am ready for tomorrow! As soon as school is out, I'm heading to Trenton to see Henry! Saturday we have the Bush Family Christmas so chaos will reign but it will be fun. In the afternoon, we will go celebrate with Henry's dad as well so, again, it will be a blast.

Thank you to those who have sent cards and emails this past week. We have enjoyed each one and continue to remain in awe of God's amazing grace. The love you express touches our souls at the very core. We are blessed.

1 comment:

Pat said...

Congratulations on the job, Pam. I know you're glad that everything has worked out and I'm sure that it will continue to do so...also for Henry. Our family wishes yours a very Merry Christmas and a VERY blessed New Year! Love to all, Pat & family.
Please keep Kevin's mom in prayer, she has been ill. We will be in G'ville for Christmas.