Saturday, February 5, 2011

What a week...

It ended on a great note! Henry's in the process of reinstating his teaching certification and had to take the Physical Education subject area test. (His bachelor's is from UF in Physical Education.) He took the test today and PASSED! He received unofficial results immediately so we're very excited to have this phase done. Once we hear the official word from the DOE, he'll work to add math to his certification.

My sister is back at my parents' house and undergoing physical therapy. The drama continues with her and her kids but that's a way of life now. As I have said many times, I hate drugs.

My dad continues to be very weak but doesn't complain. My mom is exhausted but who wouldn't be with all she is dealing with along with her own health issues. Again, it's a way of life now.

Work is very busy right now and I'm working hard to keep a perspective on it because it can be very draining. I love my real job but there are extra pressures that add up over time. We are short an administrator (one took another job) as we try to run two campuses with three leaders. Everyone is pitching in to do extra but it is stretching each person to maximum capacity. I'm praying to keep perspective on what is really important.

All in all, we are doing fabulous. Tomorrow, we will watch the Super Bowl at Keith & Heather's along with Chad and Danielle. We are so thankful to be able to spend time with our children. They are good for our spirits and make us laugh all the time. Kaleb is a bonus! :)

Hope your day of worship is awesome-filled!

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